Konqueror Icon Glitch [Solved]

Tony Sivori TonySivori at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 26 16:44:01 UTC 2009

On Sat, 25 Apr 2009 11:50:05 -0400, Tony Sivori wrote:

> Kubuntu 8.04, KDE 3.5.10.
> I've got a curious Konqueror web browser icon glitch.

> At the google.com search page, the icon is correct. But if I run any
> google search, the search results page shows the red "ZD" icon that is
> associated for ZD.net (Ziff Davis) web pages. The red ZD icon displays
> both in the google search results address bar and the tab.
> I get the correct icons everywhere except the google search results
> page.

OK, no idea why the Google icon was replaced by the ZD icon, but it does
seem to be solved.

For the benefit of anyone who may have a similar problem, here is what I
did to fix it.

Go to

copy the png file:


Paste that file to the same folder, you will of course get the warning
that a file with that name already exists. Change the name to:


When told that file already exists, choose "overwrite".


I had assumed that this fix would result in the Google icon being
displayed for all ZD.net pages. Which I considered less annoying than
seeing the ZD icon on all my Google search results. To test the fix, I
visited a ZD.net page. Oddly, I got a new ZD icon, one named


After loading that page, the Google icon still displays correctly on
the search results page. And I have a new ZD icon that displays correctly
on ZD web pages.

Tony Sivori
Due to spam, I'm filtering all Google Groups posters. 

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