Jaunty Static IP address
Myriam Schweingruber
myriam at ubuntu.com
Sun Apr 26 10:57:38 UTC 2009
Hi marc,
On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 14:35, marc <gmane at auxbuss.com> wrote:
> Paul Lemmons said:
>> Interesting... I thought we were supposed to moving *away* from backend
>> file editing. I have not had to do this for a very long time.
> That would be fine if the front end apps were changing the
> appropriate .conf files. Network Manager doesn't and I think this is a
> serious flaw.
> One of Linux's strengths is being able to go to the canonical location
> and fix things by hand when things go wrong. I'm not advocating this
> above pointy clicky interfaces, I'm all for ease of use, but there has to
> be an associate convntion.
> Same problem with audio, which I now find impenetrable.
Well, for some strange reason Kubuntu installs Pulseaudio, although no
apps in KDE use it. It has repeatedly killed the sound on my system
and it was a real pain to find it back.
> Can't say I'm enamoured with the move away from xorg.conf either.
This is by no means something done by K/Ubuntu, but by Xorg upstream.
Regards, Myriam.
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