
Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Sun Apr 26 10:53:45 UTC 2009

On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 00:18, Richard S. Crawford
<rscrawford at> wrote:
> Just a quick rant.
> Is it just me, or is Amarok2 a true POS, especially compared with the
> stable and useful 1.4? They layout is clumsy, the really useful
> features (I really liked that little popup remote player that as far
> as I can tell no longer exists)

It does, it is a plasma-widget, just not integrated in Amarok any
more, but you cn download it in the "Add new widgets..." oprion on the
plasma desktop.

> and the tools for connecting to my MTP device are just useless.

You should have a more precise look at Amarok 2.0.2, because almost
all the features you are looking for are there, and a lot is
configurable. Amarok 2 is a whole new codebase, and all new things one
has to get used to...

Your MTP device shows up in the collection once it is connected, just
look closer...

> I'm really very, very dissatisfied with the new Amarok. Just because
> you *can* do something doesn't mean you *should*.
> On a similar note, I don't suppose anyone knows how to get my
> playlists imported from my old Amarok to the new one?

Well, obviously you didn't even try  *sigh*. Of course you can, there
is an import feature in the settings.

Next time you start a rant, know what you are talking about first...

Regards, Myriam.

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