no "upgrade available" notification

Scott Abbey scott at
Sun Apr 26 04:58:51 UTC 2009

On Sat, 2009-04-25 at 20:09 -0600, D. R. Evans wrote:
> 1) that's not the question. The question was: should I be worried that I
> haven't seen an upgrade notification?
> The answer seems to be "Yes", but no one has actually said that yet.
> [Of course, if the answer *is* "Yes", the follow-on question is going to
> be: (1) how could that have happened? (2) how do I fix it?] But I repeat
> that we have not passed the threshold issue yet.]

The answer is, no, don't be worried. It's not unusual for it to not
prompt you to upgrade to a new release. If you *want* to upgrade to the
new release, just follow the instructions on the wiki that have already
been posted. You do not have to download a CD or anything else. All that
the instructions do is force the updater to check for a new release and
offer the upgrade.

Scott Abbey <scott at>

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