49 seconds to boot: how do I stack up?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 18:51:07 UTC 2009

> after installing many programs, i have firestarter, dkms for virtual
> box and nvidia, bind9, squid, and many others that i can think of
> seeing during the boot process (note i always remove the "quiet" and
> "splash" options from grub to get a verbose boot insted of the splash
> image) and my boot from grub till kdm kicks in is about ~15
> seconds!!!!!!! yes, even less than the advertized 20.

I see, thanks. I am bypassing KDM (auto login) and counting the time
from Grub until when I can open a Firefox window. The discrepancy is
now apparent.

Dotan Cohen


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