How do I make a panel shortcut from an application in the Wine package.

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Fri Apr 24 10:25:51 UTC 2009

Steven Vollom wrote:
> Unable to run the command specified. The file or folder 
> file:///home/steven/Documents/.wine/dosdevices/c: does not exist.

Steven this cannot work, Wine's install is by default located in 
> When I click on Browse c:\ in the Wine application, I get the above Error 
> message.  It is not true, though, because I have an application named e-Sword 
> that resides there.  It is there that I must go to open the application, and I 
> prefer to put a shortcut on the panel.  I use it daily.  Thanks!

You just need to adapt the path to the correct file location.


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