Code to change from read-only file system to read/write file system?

Nigel Henry cave.dnb2m97pp at
Wed Apr 22 16:02:35 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 22 April 2009 15:58, stevenvollom at wrote:
> Frans wrote:
> > On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 16:57:35 -0400, stevenvollom wrote:
> >> Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> >>> Steven,
> >>>
> >>> there must be a reason why your filesystem is mounted read only.
> >>>
> >>> What is shown on the console immediately before you get your logon
> >>> prompt?
> >>>
> >>> Kind regards
> >>> Eberhard
> >>
> >> Boot from (hd0,0) ext3    fbfd44c0-3370-4760-864d-2b179978ed27 Starting
> >> up...
> >> Loading, please wait...
> >>
> >> Ubuntu 8.10 Yesua tty1
> >
> > But you are using Ubuntu 9.04 I thought?
> >
> >> Yesua login: _
> >>
> >> That is all that is on that page, and I don't know how to view the
> >> previous page.
> >>
> >> Steven
> >
> >     -Frans (confused)
> I am as confused as you are.  I never noticed the reference to 8.10 and
> 8.04 before.  I looked at my CD and it has 64bit Jaunty Beta Kubuntu KDE
> on it, for a title.
> When I changed from my old system to the new, I changed from 32bit to
> 64bit.  None of my CD's have the OS number written on them; I wrote the
> name Jaunty to help me remember the new OS name.  I got 'List' help when
> I installed, but perhaps I downloaded the wrong version, and have been
> working from Intrepid while I was thinking I was using Jaunty.
> While I am writing this response, I put the Jaunty CD in and am applying
> the Rescue option.  I hoped to find some place where they referred to
> the version number to see if my CD is Intrepid or Jaunty.  I was unable
> to see any numbers to this point of the installation and got to a screen
> that was all red with a warning.
> A screen came up that had partition identities to choose for root file
> systems.  The first item was highlighted and is /dev/sda1; my memory
> says that this is the / partition of the OS, so I chose it and moved to
> the next screen.  This screen says Enter Rescue Mode, mount failed:  An
> error occurred while mounting the device you entered for your root file
> system (/dev/sda1 on /target.
> Please check the syslog for more information.
> A while back, I moved an ATA HDD from my old computer, which had
> Intrepid on the drive.  I put it in the new computer to transfer the
> data from the storage partition on the drive to my new  SATA drive on
> the new computer.  I forgot that that HDD had an OS on it, Intrepid.
> The fact that it has an older OS on it has never been a problem, and I
> forgot to wipe the drive clean, so I think that somehow when the crash
> took place recently, that OS because a part of the equasion.  On the
> screen that gives you choices of which to boot up, there is also a
> string of 8.04 entries at the bottom; I tried opening one of them at one
> point in the repair attempt and there was nothing in them to boot.
> Since I have not been thinking of Hardy, Intrepid or Jaunty in terms of
> their version number, I did not notice that change in the choice
> screen.  But before when I booted Jaunty, I remember that the screen
> that showed choice was a lot shorter, even though the boot passed
> through it too fast to read anything on the screen.
> When I moved the ATA drive to the new computer, I kept it with the
> primary (I am using the word 'primary' to describe the alternative for
> 'slave', because if it isn't the right term, I can't currently remember
> the word I need to explain it) position.  I was told that it didn't make
> any difference because SATA drives did not have that type of setting.
> So the older drive is shown in first position when recognized on the
> first screen, when I boot up.  If not changing the drive to a slave was
> a mistake, I suspect that it is now booting to the OS in the old ATA
> drive and that that happened when the crash happened.
> I realize we have come to an end point in this effort, nonetheless, it
> has been a great learning experience and has given me the ability to
> move rapidly from change to change with more understanding.  And even
> though Jaunty is making 'using a konsole unnecessary', I still would
> like to learn to use a Konsole.  I will do so with or without help from
> the List, so if you are willing, I would like to pursue this problem to
> an end that can be understood.

> Is it possible that I did not install the wrong OS and Jaunty is still
> in my computer?  If that is possible, is it possible that whatever
> caused the crash switched me to the older HDD and it's OS, Intrepid?
> If I just unplug the ATA drive so that it is no longer an option when
> booting up, is it possible the system will perform properly and boot to
> Jaunty?
> If this resolves the probable cause of my current problem and my
> computer boots to Jaunty, will I be able to reconnect the old HDD to
> format and remove the old OS, or can I change it to a slave, making the
> SATA drive, the drive in command.  Even if I wanted to retain the old
> OS, wouldn't I have to install it as a dual boot situation, or would
> just connecting as Slave accomplish that step and allow for booting the
> alternate OS, if wanted, at boot up?  I hope I am being understood right
> now.  I am hoping you are willing to respond to this email.  I am hoping
> you will continue just a bit more.  It would be a kind thing for you to
> help me put this problem to bed.  I don't have the ability to give up.
> I just continue to work unresolved problems in my mind until I get an
> end understanding.  In either event, thanks for all the wonderful help.
> You will probably never realize the kindness it represents, my friend.
> With much appreciation,
> Steven

Hi Steven.

I think the first thing I would do would be to disconnect the old PATA drive, 
that you put in the new machine, as it seems to appear that the machine is 
trying to boot from that drive. You did say that you couldn't intall Intrepid 
8.10 on that new machine, and is why you tried Jaunty 9.04, which installed 

With the old drive disconnected (both data, and power cables), try booting up, 
and see what you get. I forget how many SATA drives you have in your new 
machine, but if only one, it should boot into Jaunty. I suppose it is 
possible that the harddrive with Jaunty on it, even though new, has had a 
disastrous failure, which may explain the crash. Perhaps after that, as the 
SATA drive could not be detected by the BIOS (due to being broken), it tried 
booting from the PATA (old drive) that has Intrepid on it, and as you 
couldn't install Intrepid on that machine, and apart from that, the Intrepid 
install was done on your other machine, different mobo, etc, which may 
explain why the new machine cannot boot from the old drive, as it appears 
it's trying to do.


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