Changinnng to default BIOS settings has created problems.

stevenvollom at stevenvollom at
Mon Apr 20 22:40:48 UTC 2009

Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> stevenvollom at wrote:
>>> So when you are in "recovery, safe values or whatever it is called", 
>>> then when there is a prompt, enter your userid and then your password.
>>> Then you will need to change /etc/X11/xorg.conf
>> I can get a command prompt, but what do I enter? Do I use Kate?  Onboard 
>> video is 8400 nVidia Gforce.  I believe it calls for the 173 driver.  
>> Eberhard, I don't even know what searching a string is.  Where do I 
>> look?  And would the command look like this 'nvidia river "nv"' without 
>> the single quotes?
> you can do it as follows, it is easy but not self-explanatory
> 1. login with your username and password
> 2. navigate to /etc/X11
> cd /etc/X11
> 3. copy xorg.conf to a save name, you never know...
> sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.nvidia
I just tried:  sudo xorg.conf xorga.conf

It didn't work either, same reason.
> I am confused, I thought you could save anything.


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