Setting the screen grid size - asking, once again

GreyGeek GreyGeek at
Mon Apr 20 03:47:02 UTC 2009

Anthony E. Caudel wrote:
> On Apr 19, 2009, at 7:37 PM, John Desmond wrote:
>> Salutations, gentlefolk!
>> About six days ago, I asked:
>> <<
>> In Kubuntu Linux 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-14, KDE 3.5.10:
>> The standard screen grid is 5 lines horizontally, 11 lines vertically.
>> I would like to increase those numbers (ie, make a 'finer mesh' of the
>> grid) to about 8 and 14.
>> Might there be someone out there in cyberspace who knows:
>> A: Is this possible ?
>> B  If so, how do I do it ?
>> Yours, John Desmond
> You might ask in the KDE forum:
> Tony
> --  
There is an application in the repository called "FontForge".  Download
it and its documentation and knock yourself out!

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