Is Canonical against Kubuntu (2): the bug tracking disaster

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Sun Apr 19 11:17:54 UTC 2009

marc wrote:
> Eberhard Roloff said...
>> Anton wrote:
>> [...bug tracking desaster...]
>> while this surely is not nice, may I remind you that we are talking 
>> about free and open source software here.
> I don't agree that this should be used as a defence of FOSS.

it is not meant to be a defence. It's just a fact, which possibly will 
have some consequences, i.e. in regard to what you pay and what you get.

>> Afaik you did not pay for it and you also did not pay for support.
>> So you can hardly expect to get defined problem resolution timeframes.
> This is a valid argument, although not from the premise, imo.
> I pay for Windows, or have paid, and have to deal with it regularly, and 
> the direct support is woeful. 

This is surely correct, but it is not strictly valid. You paid for 
windows, which is your problem ;-),  but you did not pay for Microsoft 

Call them, pay for your call(s) and if they will not listen, you will be 
perfectly entitiled to complain.

At least with mature FOSS, you have
> somewhere to report things and await a response. This is far, far better 
> than the non-FOSS world in OS-land. 


>> Should you need better support, you might consider to use one of the 
>> "enterprise linux" distributions that are out there, waitng for you to 
>> buy them.
> Eek! Don't point the poor guy at Red Hat. That way lies pain unlimited, 
> at least, on the desktop.

Red Hat is one but not the only one. I do not remember the exact name, 
but I believe they had some success with NetWare in the distant past....

kind regards

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