Is Canonical against Kubuntu (1): the translation disaster

Anton antonxx at
Sun Apr 19 09:15:06 UTC 2009

I am a german Kubuntu user.

I am using Kubuntu 7.10, 8.04 and now 9.04 RC1

Did the following test:

1. Start 9.04 from the CD and 
click on the install icon once its running
I selected german as language and installed the system.
* The installer dialogs were in english. *
After reboot I have a more or less german system
(only in the system settings ... all english)

I go in the system settings and want to set the
system langiage to german (or at leas check if its right)

At this moment I get a dialog telling me that the language support 
was not fully installed (or things missing .. sorry dont remember exactly)

Question 1: this strange error or warning or whatever existed 
     in 8.04 and 8.10 too, why is it still not fixed?

OK after installing missing items the system language is german.

I start dolphin and the F1 key (or any other application):


2. I decided to compare to ubuntu
I installed ubuntu 9.04.
- Things are in german
- if I press F1 I get german help

Aha its possible...!

3. I decided to compare to SuSe 11.1 (with KDE 4.1.x)
Most things are in german.
If I press F1 I get german help.


So what now?

Ubuntu/Kubuntu claims to be the best user friendly desktop

I remember some discussions on german blogs telling
that kde is already translated (at least in germany there
is a big fan comunity) but the problems arises that
canonical wants absolutely to remanage the translations
with launchpad!
(Compare with suse linux, even if I left it some years ago
after using it for 11 years for using kubuntu)

Does canonical want to take the control (some people
in germany speak from *sabotage*) over KDE or at least the
translation .. first and then .. ???

Since the translation are already managed by the KDE team,
kubuntu should use this *only one base*, splitting efforts
is contraproductive: some bug reports go to kubuntu, some to kde
and at the end nobody feels responsible.

If a desktop system claims to be user friendly, 
I speak here about desktop system users and not about developers.

I am rather frustrated, seeing that 9.04 will be exactly the same mess...
what do you think?

Ist doch so oder, was meint ihr? Langsam kommt man sich verlassen vor.

Have a nice day,


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