Default window size settings Thunderbird

marc gmane at
Sat Apr 18 12:28:28 UTC 2009

Nigel Ridley said...
> I would like to be able to set the default  window sizes for Thunderbird to be different between 
> the main mail client and the 'compose new mail' window (right click Title bar > Advanced > 
> Special Window Settings).
> This used to be possible pre-Hardy but now if I set the main Thunderbird window, then open a 
> 'compose new mail' window and reset the size (under 'Special Window Settings') to something 
> smaller, then the main Thunderbird window also takes on this size when restarted.
> I want a smaller 'compose new mail' window so that I can still 'see' the rest of the main 
> Thunderbird window -- does this makes sense amongst my ramblings?

Yup, the mozilla products are bad for this. You need to mess around with 
the window-specific settings, rather than the app-specific ones. I 
suspect you know this, though.

Fiddle with the window class and window role settings, and consider 
_not_ using exact match. The "Detect window properties" function can be 
useful here. If that doesn't get you where you want to be, move on to 
the Window extra tab.


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