RESOLVED ** Re: Can Jaunty updates and upgrades be obtained using apt-get and a Konsole? THANKS!

John L Vifian jongleur at
Fri Apr 17 21:23:31 UTC 2009

On Friday 17 April 2009 1:54:54 am Steven Vollom wrote:
> I am a bit embarrassed.  I have seen but did not see.  It put things back.
>  I guess I wonder where the panel went, and expected it to return as it
> left.  I have never made it piece by piece before.  Thank you so very much.
>  I should not have had to bother you.  Sorry~!

Not a problem. I learned stuff figuring out how to fix your problem.

John Vifian
When authorities warn you of the sinfulness of sex, there is an important 
lesson to be learned: Do not have sex with the authorities. 
Matt Groening, Life is Hell

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