Jaunty: Look of gnome apps in kde

Willy Hamra w.hamra1987 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 20:44:22 UTC 2009

2009/4/17 marc <gmane at auxbuss.com>:
> Jonas Norlander said...
>> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 6:18 PM, marc <gmane at auxbuss.com> wrote:
>> > Willy Hamra said...
>> >> 2009/4/17 marc <gmane at auxbuss.com>:
>> >> >
>> >> > It used to be that you installed gtk2-gtk-qt for better control of GTK
>> >> > apps under KDE. I think it was installed by default by Kubuntu for a
>> >> > while. The look and feel could them be set in kcontrol.
>> >> >
>> >> > Now, the package seems to have disappeared and, of course, kcontrol has
>> >> > vanished.
>> >> >
>> >> > So, does anyone know how you make gnome apps look like gnome apps under
>> >> > kde?
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> see, while kcontrol did exist in KDE3 i rarely used it, and so, the
>> >> transition to KDE4 was easy to me :P
>> >
>> > Careful what you assume!
>> >
>> >> in systemsettings, go to appearance, GTK styles & fonts. cheers
>> >
>> > I'm not seeing what you're seeing. Oddly enough, I took a look at the
>> > appearance section. The options I see are: Style; Colors (sic); Icons;
>> > Fonts; Windows; Splash screen; Emoticons.
>> >
>> > No sign of GTK styles and fonts.
>> I think the package you need is gtk-qt-engine.
> Thanks, Jonas. Although it doesn't seem to work anymore :-(
> Any idea why this package has been made optional again?

what do you mean doesn't work? i have it in my system settings, and
used to always use qtcurve which looked awesome. after installing
GNOME, i got the human-clearlooks theme, and started using it for GTK+
apps, and till now, i'm sending this message from a firefox using the
human-clearlooks theme.
as for why it's optional, i have no idea, lol

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computers and Billy Net.

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