KSnapshot + Print Scrn key

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Fri Apr 17 08:52:59 UTC 2009

On Friday 17 April 2009 3:41:20 am Nigel Ridley wrote:

> >> Any ideas?
> >>
> >> Blessings,
> >>
> >> Nigel
> >
> > This one is easy, at least I think so. In Intrepid kde 4.2.2, you can go
> > to System settings/Input Actions
> >
> > create a new shortcut there and you are done.
> >
> > Fwiw I just created another example called "Print Screen", that calls
> > ksnapshot when <shift-PrtScr> is pressed.

Do you type the instruction in the area identified as 'General'?  What exactly 
do you type to make it happen?  Thanks!


> > After enabling it, it works like a charm.
> >
> > regards
> > Eberhard

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