[mostly solved] Fish won't work (long)

Tony Sivori TonySivori at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 16 11:35:43 UTC 2009

On Mon, 13 Apr 2009 00:25:08 -0400, Steven Vollom wrote:
> I haven't followed this post, however, I transferred several gb of data
> another way.  I removed the HDD that contained the data and installed it
> on my new computer and just copied and pasted from the old to the new.  It
> was fast and clean.  If you are doing this from a laptop to a desktop, it
> wouldn't work, but one PC to another was fast and problem free.  It is an
> alternative if you continue to have a problem.

In my case, the old computer is IDE, the new computer is SATA. 

Tony Sivori
Due to spam, I'm filtering all Google Groups posters. 

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