Root partition read-only

Antonio Augusto (Mancha) mkhaos7 at
Wed Apr 15 17:04:11 UTC 2009

Hey Derek, Thanks for the feedback.

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:52, Derek Broughton <derek at> wrote:
> Antonio Augusto (Mancha) wrote:
>> I'm having a strange problem.
> It's not that strange, unfortunately :-)
>> Today, for the second time, when booting
>> my computer (a Dell Laptop), mounted my filesystem as readonly (jfs
>> for the matters).
> ...
>> The only thing in common that i see is that, both times i was running
>> on batteries. And when connected the power the problem got away. I
>> can't see to find ways to reproduce it.
>> But I think it might be related to the fact the fsck is not ran if the
>> system is on batteries.
> Exactly.  There should be a message that fsck was skipped in the log.

And it was. Thats how i fugred something was wrong.

>> So, it might be that the fs gets corrupted by
>> some reason, and on reboot its not clean, and hence mount can't
>> remount it r/w (thou I haven't seen any message indicating this).
> Probably not "corrupted", but you're not going through a proper shutdown.
> If a filesystem doesn't get properly dismounted, it's marked "dirty" and
> JFS will want to do an fsck on start-up.

Thats the problem... For what i remember i shut the computer properly,
without any issues what so ever... :/

>> Anyways, has anybody else experienced it?
>> I've opened bug #361023 to report this problem.
> I doubt there's a bug.  How did you shut down?

Maybe not a bug, but really a problem.
Thou, I'm not sure if i tried running fsck once I had the read-only
file system mounted...
Will try this IF this happens again.


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