Jaunty: Notifications
Gene Heskett
gene.heskett at verizon.net
Mon Apr 13 03:29:44 UTC 2009
On Sunday 12 April 2009, Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
>On Mon, 13 Apr 2009 12:46:43 pm Gene Heskett wrote:
>> But I'd advise the immediate purchase of some nomex underwear and
>> bulletproof clothing, cuz there are M$ lovers hidden in the corners and
>> crannies of even this list.
>Oh grow up. Using M$ stopped being original or funny about 5 minutes after
> it was first coined back in the 1990's.
>And mature adults are capable of appreciating and critiquing the pros and
> cons of Linux, Windows and other operating systems without resorting to
> rhetoric or drawing little lines in the sands around their high school
> cliques. --
1. Your email agent is broken, there is no space after the '--' above. That
is the sig separator convention and has been for well over a decade.
2. As for growing up, you might try it. I dare say I'm probably at least
twice your age, and maybe even 3 or 4 times. I was carving code for an RCA
1802 in the late 70's, in my own late 40's. Code that ran for a decade or
more at the tv station where I was at the time. Reboots only required when a
power outage exceeded the backup battery I built into that system.
3. My experience with Multiuser, multitasking operating systems, something M$
still hasn't managed to do transparently, began with os9 on a color computer,
circa 1985. Where does your similar experience begin? Mine went on thru the
amigas, then to linux, with NO stop at windows ever.
4. As for windows, I have a legal copy of xp on a laptop I bought several
years ago when there was no way to buy a machine w/o paying 'the M$ tax'. It
may have been booted to xp 10 times in the last 4 or 5 years. I guess you
could say that I never caught the M$ virus, and I've yet to ever have a
machine under my care get infected, by anything.
5. I am on this list because 2 of my currently running machines are running
kubuntu, one of them running my cnc milling machine. What is your excuse?
Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
God grant me the senility to accept the things I cannot change,
The frustration to try to change things I cannot affect,
and the wisdom to tell the difference.
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