Jaunty: Notifications

Lindsay Mathieson Lindsay.Mathieson at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 03:05:50 UTC 2009

On Mon, 13 Apr 2009 12:47:10 pm Pastor JW wrote:
> No problem, you just keep your $200 OS and buy all those virus buster
> programs.  

Well as should be blatantly obvious, since I post on Kubuntu - I run *LINUX*

> Me?  Well I don't have time to use that OS, I need something
> that works without me having to reboot, reinstall, and clean viruses,
> constantly. 

Oddly enough we've never had a virus problem at work with our windows pc's and 
and our windows servers run headless without rebooting for months at a time. 
Probably because they're run by people who know what they're doing.

> I need to be productive rather than cussing out the OS.  I'll
> stay with Kubuntu and not waste my valuable time.

That's good :) because obviously KDE has been flawless for the past few months 


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