Intel G31M/ES2L , Hard locking problems with this mainboard on 8.04

Joel Oliver joelol75 at
Sat Apr 11 14:37:34 UTC 2009

Martin Laberge wrote:
>>> I have a new Intel G31M / ES2L Mainboard with a
>>> Intel quad core 2.33Ghz
>>> when asking a certain amount of processing/disk/screen power
>>> the system LOCK HARD.
>>> whatever you do to minimise the load, and work the most cleanly possible.
>>> if you click too fast asking for process (that the machine can easily execute)
>>> then all is locked.
>>> no kbd/mouse/net/ssh/ping/anything respond anymore,
>>> but all is FREEZED on the screen as the last clock of the processor
>>> let it .
>>> the power button is the only way out.
>>> I am using Kubuntu 8.04.2 with kernel.
>>> (this installation-on-disk worked well on the last
>>>  machine it was installed to. Changing machine, to a better one
>>> (the last was a i586/1000 dumb machine, 512M-Ram) (the new is a quad/2300/intel, 2G-Ram)
>>> set me to a unending HARD-LOCK sequence of the system.
>>> anytime i do something, it may lock or not.
>>> sometimes it takes minutes, sometimes hours....
>>> Remember this hard-disk is the same disk.
>>> (just changed from the old to the new machine)
>>> Someone have idea to what to check or change or ...????
Also install the prime95 software from

This application is awesome for checking system stability accounting for 
not only RAM, but a combination of cpu and ram whereas the memcheck86 
only checks memory for errors and the cpuburn package (sudo apt-get 
install cpuburn) only pushes the cpu to the max.

Underclock and see if it stabilizes.  If it doesn't, the cpu or memory 
or motherboard may be bad.  The combinations of the above three programs 
will help you narrow down the problem.  Good luck with your troubleshooting!


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