What application would I use for my scanner?

Martin Laberge mlsoft at videotron.ca
Wed Apr 1 00:28:05 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 31 March 2009 18:18:48 Steven Vollom wrote:
> I just added my scanner to my new 64 bit computer.  When I booted, I 
> could tell that the scanner was recognized, but I want to use it for the 
> first time, and I am not sure where to go to access it.
> I may have overlooked it in the menu, but I was pretty careful, and if I 
> am looking at it and still not registering and recognizing it, I guess I 
> will need to have the embarrassment of the help.  Oh! I am in Jaunty kde 
> Beta.  Thanks mucho!
> Steven

Kooka is a scanner tool for kde, with all the fuzzy things you need.

gscan2pdf is a precious tool to scan a book, manual, some-sheets, pamphlet, ...
to a pdf file with a page-scan of the document, easyly viewable by anyone.

For sure, all of this depends on your SANE driver installation.
(SANE is the scanner driver for all scanners. (almost all of them))

Martin Laberge
mlsoft at videotron.ca
30 Years of Unix Admin, and still learning...

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