Kubuntu Jaunty KDE3.5 remix

David McGlone david at dmcentral.net
Sat Apr 11 02:30:47 UTC 2009

On Friday 10 April 2009 14:14:27 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > This is because Hardy largely works greatly without having any problems
> > :-))
> My daily driver is still Hardy, but I'm finding KDE 4.2 on Jaunty Beta
> to be very stable. I have lots of composting issues, but that's it.
> There is nothing from KDE 3 that _I_ miss in KDE 4.2. If you have
> something, please mention it (and CC me!) so that I can file a bug.
> The truth is, I'm swamped with studies, but I promise that I will get
> around to it.
> I should probably put Kontact through it's paces on KDE 4.2. I am a
> heavy Kontact user (Kaddressbook and Korganizer mostly, not Kmail) but
> that is one thing that I have _not_ tested yet. If you know of any
> specific Kontact issues, please let me know so that I could begin
> triaging. Thanks!

IMAP Address book doesn't work. I'm still trying to figure it out.

David M.

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