Firewall and/or anti-virus

Billie Erin Walsh bilwalsh at
Sun Apr 5 20:31:53 UTC 2009

Web1 wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there any reason to have either an anti-virus or firewall on 
> Kubuntu?  I have downloaded clam anti-virus but it doesn't appear to 
> have real time protection.  I have read that there isn't a reason to 
> have either an anti-virus or firewall for Kubuntu, I was just checking 
> to make sure that they are not needed prior to me doing my banking and 
> such on Kubuntu.  I have this on a separate hard drive from windows XP 
> and are slowly transferring over to it.  Pretty good learning curve, but 
> its fun and challenging.
> If I do need an anti-virus, firewall, spy-ware blocker and such, could 
> you guys please recommend the best of each of these to install?
> Thanks and am glad I am making the switch.
> Web
The only firewall we have is the one on the router. Good enough to keep 
honest people out. From my understanding Clamav is mostly to scan 
e-mails to keep from passing one through your computer to a Windows user 
in a forwarded e-mail or such. Unless you do something pretty stupid 
there is virtually no chance of being infected yourself. I suppose 
spy-ware and stuff are pretty much in the same category as viruses. I've 
never seen a spy-ware blocker for Linux. That doesn't mean there is 
none, but......................


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