OT: Substitute fonts for msttcorefonts

Nigel Ridley nigel at prayingforisrael.net
Sun Apr 5 17:05:21 UTC 2009

After my nice clean install of Jaunty Beta last week I tried to install the msttcorefonts 
package. There were always errors every time I tried. So I decided that I would be MS free!

Wonderful! But, I need comparable fonts to use so that when sending friends, that still use 
Windows, a document, I want them to be able to see my work as I designed it. I also have some 
Scribus documents that were created with some msttcorefonts in them and now Scribus is asking 
with what to substitute them.

I did find the following after searching the web:

Red Hat releases free replacements for Windows core fonts

Metric Equivalent Fonts and Font Substitution

Has anybody else some experience with good replacement fonts or some tips?



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