Hmmm. I thought this was fixed.

David McGlone david at
Sat Apr 4 12:42:42 UTC 2009

On Friday 03 April 2009 10:29:43 am Derek Broughton wrote:
> David McGlone wrote:
> > On Thursday 02 April 2009 10:21:28 pm Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> >> > No writable resource was found, saving will not be
> >> > possible. Reconfigure KMail  first.
> >>
> >> Is this a fresh KMail setup?
> >
> > No
> >
> >> any idea which resource its referring to?
> >
> > This is happening when I try to save contacts as an IMAP resource.
> dovecot permissions.  I've been having a heck of a time with that too, I'm
> not sure what I got wrong and no time to look at it...
> Basically, aiui KMail creates an ordinary IMAP folder when you create an
> IMAP resource, but because it's IMAP KMail doesn't do it itself it has to
> pass the request to dovecot.  Dovecot is going to try to create an IMAP
> folder as "mail" (I think) and if "mail" can't write to your folders it
> can't create them.  What I haven't figured out is why it can write
> individual messages to them, but can't create new folders.

I'll do some test and see what I can come up with for us. I'll get back with 
you as soon as I've got something to report.

David M.

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