Kubuntu for the PPC

Graham Todd grahamtodd2 at googlemail.com
Thu Apr 2 21:35:58 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2 Apr 2009 09:44:50 +0100
Graham Todd <grahamtodd2 at googlemail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 2 Apr 2009 17:51:03 +1100
> "Irena & Richard Jenkins" <richard.jenkins at internode.on.net> wrote:
> > I feel that there are Kubuntu-PPC users out 
> > there ... the trick is to get them to declare themselves.  Somebody
> > is compiling the iso's!
> [snipped]
> We did, but it wasn't possible for Canonical to maintain PPC
> repositories, so they were dropped.  There is no group of people at
> Canonical preparing PPC based .iso files - they all come from
> unofficial sources and may break your installation when you update.
> Debian also have stopped publishing .iso files for some architectures
> (not PPC) because they just cannot get volunteers to work on them, so
> its not a problem specific to Kubuntu.
> If only Knoppix had a Ubuntu-like installer, I'd go there......but I'm
> not sure if they support PPC...

Sorry about the noise.  Its been pointed out to me that there *is* a
PPC version out for Jaunty, so I swallow my words.  There was a group
of we PPC enthusiasts who complained to Canonical but to no avail: PPC
was dropped from the list of architectures supported.  Now it seems its

There's been no mention of it on penguinppc.org, which is the premier
Linux PPC site - nor have I seen it announced in the UK's two premier
Linux publications ("Linux Format" or "Linux Magazine") or their
sites.  I *should* have checked the *buntu web pages before giving
the advice I did but didn't check them out thoroughly enough.

My comment about Debian and Knoppix still stand however.....


Graham Todd

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