Kubuntu for the PPC

Graham Todd grahamtodd2 at googlemail.com
Thu Apr 2 08:44:50 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2 Apr 2009 17:51:03 +1100
"Irena & Richard Jenkins" <richard.jenkins at internode.on.net> wrote:

> I feel that there are Kubuntu-PPC users out 
> there ... the trick is to get them to declare themselves.  Somebody
> is compiling the iso's!

We did, but it wasn't possible for Canonical to maintain PPC
repositories, so they were dropped.  There is no group of people at
Canonical preparing PPC based .iso files - they all come from
unofficial sources and may break your installation when you update.

Debian also have stopped publishing .iso files for some architectures
(not PPC) because they just cannot get volunteers to work on them, so
its not a problem specific to Kubuntu.

If only Knoppix had a Ubuntu-like installer, I'd go there......but I'm
not sure if they support PPC...


Graham Todd

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