Realplayer again
Nigel Henry
cave.dnb2m97pp at
Thu Apr 2 17:49:37 UTC 2009
On Thursday 02 April 2009 18:40, Jim MacLeod wrote:
> Nigel Henry wrote:
> > Hi Jim.
> >
> > I hate to disagree with you, but I'm currently listening to BBC Radio4,
> > and the iplayer shows a big blue "R", which shows it's using realplayer.
> >
> > The snapshot is too big to post to the list, so I'll post it directly to
> > you.
> >
> > Nigel.
> Oops - technical boo-boo on my part - in the UK it's flashplayer whereas
> abroad it probably still is Realplayer, so apologies. I never used Real for
> video from the Beeb, only to listen to radio, and then using a little
> fiddle to get the ACTUAL url, not via the webpage.
> Apologies again for the mis-info.
> Jim
No problem Jim.
I hadn't realised that the BBC in the UK were using flash. Sometimes when I
acces the BBC, the iplayer says something like "unable to display flash
content", then that message goes away, and I listen to the radio with no
problems. That message seemed to be a bit strange, as it appeared to be
referring to flash video, but from what you are saying, in the UK, the BBC
are using flash for listening to the radio, but outside of the UK, realplayer
is still being used.
That explains the odd flash related mesages. Thanks for that info.
Personally I don't like the iplayer, but preferred the old BBC radio player.
I'm on dialup, and it was easier to use the listen again option on the radio
player. Now with the iplayer, I have to work my way through several webpages
to use listen again. Trying to reason with the BBC, is like trying to reason
with the Gestapo, as to why you should not be shot at dawn. The BBC take
absolutely no notice of listeners complaints, and act like they are the law.
You either accept what they are offering to listen to radio or go somewhere
Rant over, and apologies, as this is totally OT on this list, but sometimes
it's easy to become seriously frustated with the response from some websites,
the BBC in this instance.
Enough said.
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