Dud wireless internet connection (Brian Wootton) (marc)

Brian Norman Wootton Brian.Meg at btinternet.com
Thu Apr 2 13:59:42 UTC 2009

> which at least doesn't 
> > seem to cause any harm:
> > 
> > ----------------------------------
> > auto lo
> > iface lo inet loopback
> > # suggested mods 1-04-09
> > #auto wlan0
> > #iface wlan0 inet
> >   wireless-essid BTHomeHub-xxxx
> >   wireless-key xxxxxxxxxx
> > #
> > ----------------------------------

you need to remove the comment from:

  #iface wlan0 inet

and from:

  #auto wlan0

if you want it to autostart.

-- Cheers, Marc Sorry Marc, as I said above, only what's in interfaces 
as I've shown works, if I do what you say and remove the #es, I get no 
connection at all, not even eth0! Autostart works - only problem is 
'link quality' which is too poor to be of any use(2%-12%)and thus 
knetworkmanager reports wlan0 as disconnected. brian

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