Intalling mp3 support for amarok,wine,aptitude and synaptic

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Thu Apr 2 10:57:30 UTC 2009

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 11:33 AM, damy jayeola
<hectorssector2002 at> wrote:
>  I'm new to Linux (Kubuntu kde 4.1). I tried playing mp3 files on amarok,
> a pop up came up informing me to install mp3 support(Libxine1-ffmpeg) ,when
> i click ok,it says the package has been installed then another window pops
> up saying there were errors installing the package. I downloaded the package
> and tried installing it manually with the code:
>  cd Packages
>  sudo dpkg --install libxine1.1.5-ffmpeg_i386.deb
> It gave some errors about installing certain dependencies the first time i
> did this. The second time i tried,it didnt bring any errors about any
> dependency.Just told me that the package could not be installed.Its been
> doing this ever since
> How do i install the package manually or otherwise?
> Adept installer does not open and crashes each time it opens giving the
> signal SIGBRT6 or something like that,how do i fix this?
> Also tried installing wine aptitude and synaptic manager but i get the
> message
> "error installing package". What do i do?

First let see if we can solve the depencie errors. Can you give us the
output when you this from a console: sudo apt-get update

Then you should add medibuntu repository .
Follow the steps under Repository Howto for the version of Kubuntu you
have. Medibuntu will install support for many media formats that is
not available in a default Kubuntu.

And you should also add the backport repository so you get KDE 4.2
it's so much better and more stable.

/ Jonas

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