excessive /boot entries

Jonas Norlander jonorland at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 07:46:29 UTC 2009

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 1:30 AM, Derek Broughton <derek at pointerstop.ca> wrote:
> Antonio Augusto (Mancha) wrote:
>> Ok, before telling you how to remove all those kernels one little
>> advice: find out why the heck all those packages got installed.
> Duh?  It seems to me that I get a new kernel on average well over once every
> two weeks, so the simple answer to "why", is "because autoupdates are
> enabled".
> It's not rocket science anyway.  Figure out which kernels you want (as long
> as you have a working one, usually only one is needed), find the version
> strings for all the rest, and purge them.

It's not only that it was several version of one kernel it was several
different kernels like generic, server and virtual and every one of
those kernel had perhaps 4 versions so I think it's a valid questions.
On a desktop you probably only need the generic kernel.

/ Jonas

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