Duplicate files

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Thu Apr 2 05:51:48 UTC 2009

> Dear Steven,
> great to hear from you!
> My advise is pretty simple:
> Do not mess around with your system! You need to explicitly know or 
> google anything that you think you could delete on your system partition 
> before doing it!!!!
> The exception to the rule could be your /temp directory. Should this be 
> full of dead bodies, you can delete them.
> Tools like filelight on the one hand and kleansweep on the other are 
> very handy to find out about your own data and what space it occupies. 
> So run it on your /home directory or on other directories where you 
> store your own data.
> Kind regards
> Eberhard
How are you, my friend.  I have tried to give you a break, it sounded 
like work was bearing in on you.  I have come to think of you more as 
friend than as a person helping me.  I just can't help it.  You have 
been so kind.

Am I to understand that the 6gb remainder is sufficient for my / 
partition?  Anytime my computer gets that close on any HDD with a couple 
hundred gigs, I get concerned.  I don't know how the HDD handles the 
last few percent of space.  And even though it is more than 25% of the 
partition, it is 1% of the drive.  I am careful to distinguish the 
difference between drive and partition, so a previous instruction I 
received, warned about the last 5 to 10% of a drive as being a potential 
to lock up a system if you overload.  Because of that, smaller 
partitions have always concerned me a bit.  My logic tells me it isn't 
dangerous, but I don't trust my logic anymore.  Nonetheless the more 
confirmation on any one issue that I get, the more sure I am that I 
understand.  It will be nice to know if my thinking is OK or if 
confirmed that I should continue to be concerned, that will be good 
too.  Once I hear it from you, it will become Gospel to me. 

Is it the dependencies that you are warning me about when it comes to 
removing applications?  For instance if a dependency is used by two or 
three different applications, the fact that it is shared is why I have 
to be concerned about removing a package?  Is that correct?  So perhaps 
when I removed Wine or e-Sword, I removed a dependency that was still 
needed by another application, or perhaps when removing another 
application I removed a dependency that was use by e-Sword, and that is 
why it may not be working properly?  If I am correct about this, I am 
sure I will make less mistakes.  I have mentioned in the past that I 
experiment a lot; it is my nature.  When I did not have help, it was the 
only way I could progress.  And until I found a better way to google and 
wiki, experimentation was my only option.  Nonetheless, I have always 
had lots of problems that were probably created by my now understanding, 
if I am getting this.  I now have a memory that won't allow this, thanks 
to you Eberhard.  I won't be so quick to experiment.  It is hard though, 
because I have established some bad habits, and also, it bothers me to 
trouble you and others as much as I already do, so adding another level 
of inquiry seems a bit invasive to me.  But I trust you implicitly.   If 
I notice my questions become irritating, I will ask you again and 
straighten that out.

My love and best to you and family.  If ever you have a photo and 
scanner handy, I would much enjoy seeing who holds my gratitude.  Have 
you found time to work on the server?  Is work picking up or at least 
sustaining itself.  You and those you love are in my prayers.


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