Laptop email sending problem

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Fri Sep 26 20:04:32 UTC 2008

Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Friday 26 September 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
>> Thank you Billie,
>> I finally got the problem solved.  Valter Mura gave me a solution I
>> already knew and overlooked perhaps 50 times.  You are among several
>> that helped me solve the problem and I am grateful.  Best wishes to you
>> and yours.  Again, thanks!
> Hey Steven:
> Just a gentle heads up on list usage......  not really a complaint because you 
> are really trying hard to do it right.
> When you solve a problem like your email problem, it is NOT really necessary 
> to go back through all the replies (at least in my opinion) and thank each 
> person individually. 
> What's the best thing to do?
> Change the Subject line to be  "Laptop email sending problem (SOLVED)"  and 
> post that email with the solution.  And also thank all those in one shot who 
> helped with the solution.
> Thus, everyone can read the solution and also the thanks in one shot.
> Some people have to pay for each email they download.   This saves your time 
> and their money.
> Just my $.02
Thanks so much for the info Bruce,

I will answer this one and try to remember the process.  I have always 
answered every email as a matter of respect to the sender.  That is not 
the case with unwanted emails, but all were trying to help me and I have 
always felt it they can take the time I surely should.  I agree with the 
sentiment and will try to remember.  Please forgive me if it takes a 
little time, I am older now and a little forgetful and rely sometimes on 
patterns.  But fear not I can and desire to change.  I want to fit in 
and be useful.  I am not the brightest bulb on the tree, but I am 
learning.  I will always help those who are behind me on the learning 
curve, if that ever happens.


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