Konqueror problems

Knapp magick.crow at gmail.com
Thu Sep 25 19:33:52 UTC 2008

On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 4:44 PM, Willy K. Hamra <w.hamra1987 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Billie Walsh wrote:
>> On 09/25/2008 Alain Muls wrote:
>>>  This makes me wonder why konqueror is so much liked,
>> Konqueror is/was the "Swiss Army Knife" of KDE. And, you know how people
>> love their Swiss Army Knife. Try to take it away from them, or change
>> it, and they will fight you.
>> Being fairly new to Linux/KDE [  just  couple years now ] I was
>> originally struck with how much Konqueror "looked" like Windows Explorer
>> in file manager mode. [ I don't know which came first, Konqueror or
>> Explorer but have my suspicions ] When Dolphin first showed up on my
>> desktop I was kind of wondering why, but soon learned that for a light
>> weight file manager it does it's job quite well. I like it as well. I
>> can do some things intuitively in Dolphin that I didn't see how to do in
>> Konqueror.
>> I use 8.04/3.5.10 so don't know much about Dolphin and Konqueror in 4.1
>> but I can't recall ever having Dolphin having an issue. Perhaps I just
>> haven't pushed it hard enough yet.
> i can't say that either dolphin or konqueror are lightweight in KDE4.
> they are both waaaay too sluggish, even with desktop effects turned off.
> clicking a menu needs around 3~4 seconds, and I'm talking about a 3.0
> GHz CPU with hyper threading, and 1.5 GiB of RAM! in KDE 3.5, konqueror
> was blazing fast, even dolphin, but still, i found konqueror faster and
> more responsive than dolphin! but here i KDE4, file management simply
> sucks on both of them, forcing me o resort to dear old konsole for most
> of my file management. even browsing directories through other programs,
> like Kate's "save as" dialog, is just too slow. and i hate how now
> konqueror and dolphin uses this stupid vista like selection method of
> clicking a plus sign on a file when i need to select multiple files!
> --
> Willy K. Hamra

Man, all this makes me NEVER want to switch to KDE 4!! Is it true that
8.10 will only have kde 4 and thus I will be forced to use Dolphine??

Douglas E Knapp


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