Can't seam to assign alt+F1 to pop up the kmenu???? [Kubuntu Intrepid alpha 6]
jtwdyp at
Wed Sep 24 19:13:03 UTC 2008
It would appear that on Sep 23, Tycho Andersen did say:
> Right click, select "Unlock widgets" and then hover your mouse over the
> post-it note for a second. A little black bar will appear on the side, with
> an (admittedly small) X that you can click to wipe it away forever. This
> works with any other widget you have installed as well. When you're done,
> right click again and click "Lock widgets".
> The lock/unlock distinction is a new one to the KDE configuration world, but
> it is growing on me. That said, there are some stability issues, even in
> 4.1.1.
> <shamelessplug>I wrote a short little comparison between KDE 3.5 and 4.1
> <></shamelessplug>
Well first off thanks for the instruction on how to get rid of annoying
desktop things I don't want to look at... This lock/unlock feature is
going to have a hard time growing on me unless there is a keyboard only
method of doing it... As I mentioned in my reply to Willy, I have
difficulty with the mouse, hence I have little use for icons, things
that only appear while the mouse is hovering in the right spot and
especially "small" click targets.
I looked at your comparison and I gotta say I have very little use for
those tiny icons on the panel, The only thing I ever had use for what I
still call the taskbar is the list of open windows which includes even
minimized ones I might have forgotten about. And the displayed time...
Though I'll admit that if I could find a way to bind a hot key to the
action of clicking on the clock face I'd use the pop-up calender more
often than walking out to the kitchen to look at the one on the wall...
To start applications I generally use the keyboard to select either the
run prompt with <alt>+<F2> to type the ones I can remember how, or pop
open the K-menu with <alt>+<F1> and scroll around it with the cursor
control keys (If I try to use the mouse for that I never can keep the
pointer between the lines long enough to reach the 2nd layer pop-up menu
without accidentally changing focus to sub-menu above or below first...)
I disable almost all shortcuts involving the control of windows except
for the one that opens the windows operations menu which I always set to
<win>+<ctrl>+<space> and if I could delete "shade" from that menu I
would... I dislike click launch icons. I positively hate the way they
replaced the run prompts text based command history with a pop up
display of distracting icons... ( I don't actually think in pictures so to
figure out what each icon means my brain wants to process the proverbial
thousand words) Worse still, The picture somehow gets priority processing
anyway so I can't even read the words that MAY be under it until my
brain gives up trying to process the picture. And woe unto me if some
animation moves while I'm trying to read the text cause trying to read
while something on the screen/page/billboard/etc... is moving rapidly
gives me an intense headache... I think I'd prefer to totally disable ALL
command history/suggestive help of any kind before I'd want all those icons...
If/when I HAVE to convert to this kde4, I think I'm going to have to
reassign <alt>+<F2> to the konsole and waste one of those every time I
want a run prompt... At least I'd have bash's command history, and I
suspect it will be a very long time before konsole starts waving all
those distracting icons at me as I try to type a command.
It is possible that I'll risk using hardy for years after it's
officially unsupported rather than go with kde4... That said, I'll
play with intrepid a bit. Though I don't think I'll want try to get
any work done with it...
| ^^^ ^^^
| <o> <o> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^ J(tWdy)P
| ___ <<jtwdyp at>>
| <sigh>
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