Help with Audacity on Kubuntu 8.04

Rick Knight rick_knight at
Sun Sep 21 02:42:38 UTC 2008

Ric Moore wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-09-19 at 15:37 -0700, Rick Knight wrote:
>> Jonas Norlander wrote:
>>> 2008/9/19 Rick Knight <rick_knight at>:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I'm trying to record some vinyl using Audacity and having no success. I
>>>> have an Audio Technica USB turntable with line out. I have the line out
>>>> connected to the line in on my sound card. I can play the vinyl through
>>>> my PC speakers but I cannot get Audacity to record it. In Kmix I have
>>>> the record input set to line1 and line1 is not muted. In audacity I have
>>>> the record source set to OSS:/dev/dsp, same setting for playback device.
>>> Are you sure you need to use OSS? Should you not select your ALSA input?
>>> / Jonas
>> No, I'm not sure I need OSS. I tried the ALSA devices but they didn't 
>> work either and they gave me an error that OSS didn't give me (Error 
>> while opening sound device. Please check the input device settings and 
>> the project sample rate.). Now that I have Audacity working with OSS 
>> I've gone back and tried the ALSA drivers and they still don't work and 
>> still give the same error message. Is there a trick to setting up 
>> Audacity with ALSA on Kubuntu?
> Did you get the message "device /dev/snd missing"?  Ric
No, I did not get that message. Also, as I said in a previous post I 
have been able to get the ALSA drivers to work. But I still cannot get 
the USB input to work, with Audacity or in general. In fact, my USB 
device does not show up in Alsamixer. It shows up in Kmix, but only as 
an input device and just as a microphone. No sound from the USB at all. 
Is there additional configuration required for a USB device with ALSA?


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