getting nvidia display drivers

Willy K. Hamra w.hamra1987 at
Sat Sep 20 21:02:42 UTC 2008

Ric Moore wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-09-19 at 12:29 +0300, Willy K. Hamra wrote:
>> i installed kubuntu intrepid 32-bit on my PC, but i'm still lacking the
>> display drivers for my nvidia geforce 7300.
>> jockey-kde, or more know as the hardware drivers program, crashes
>> exactly as explained in this bug report
>> i tried installing envyng, but it's not working properly too,
> I just used it last week and it worked like a charm, on a fairly new
> install. Sure you were connected to the net when you used it? Study up
> on what driver you wish to install, and try the manual method and see if
> that works. If it still bombs, dnload the driver directly from nVidia
> into your home directory and try it again. I just happened to have
> the .bin file and it picked up on it and installed that. The usual
> manual install wants you to be in text mode, with no X running, and
> since I've not figured out how to do "init 3" to run in text mode with
> kubuntu, this app did the trick to install the modules/drivers while X
> was running and after rebooted the system. I thought that was a pretty
> slick application! It is kinda tricky to grok at first. :) Ric

thanks ric, i did more search through the repos, and passed by
nvidia-glx-177, which was what i wanted. i know about nvidia's official
driver, but it crashed my hardy install few months ago, so now i have a
phobia from this scary file still sitting in my home directory :P

to install the driver from text mode, click ctrl-alt-f1, this will put
you in tty1, login, and type "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop", this will shut
down kde. and then run the driver package, but be careful with it
though. after you're done, restart using "sudo shutdown -r now"

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computer & Billy Net
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