No Ctrl-Alt-Esc with Compiz

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at
Thu Sep 18 04:10:59 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I have noticed that with Compiz enabled one cannot get the
> skull-and-crossbones killer cursor with Ctrl-Alt-Esc on Kubuntu 8.04.
> Is there a workaround? Thanks.
I googled around and found a thread about this...

If you go into the Advanced Desktop Effects Settings, choose General and 
Command, you can specify a command number and give it the command 
"xkill".  Then open the key bindings and choose a key binding for the 
command number you chose.  It doesn't look like you can use the esc key, 
but I did get it to work using <ctrl><alt><end>.  It looks like they 
have a special command (Command11 on my system) setup to do the same 
thing already, but it doesn't seem to work.

I never knew about the xkill command, it's nice to find.


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