b43-phy0 ERROR: Firmware file "b43/ucode5.fw" not found

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Thu Sep 11 22:13:10 UTC 2008

It would appear that on Sep 11, Derek Broughton did say:

> Knapp wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca>
> > wrote:
> >> Sorry, but if you want to use the system in decidedly non-standard ways,
> >> and don't understand how to keep your login console separate from the
> >> system console, I can't say I have a whole lot of sympathy.
> > 
> > A lack of sympathy often reflexes a genetic variation that you
> > inherited. People with this variation often have trouble keeping
> > sexual partners and tend to fail at marriages.
> > Joke right? :-)
> Well, I never had trouble _keeping_ partners, it was getting them...  But
> I've been married for almost 22 years, thanks :-)
> > Really though, have you never gotten in over your head while learning
> > a new system?
> Absolutely, but this isn't someone learning a new system - it certainly
> smacks of someone coercing Ubuntu into a very _old_ form.  Starting X from
> your console using startx went out of fashion about a decade ago.  Ubuntu
> isn't intended to have X started out of somebody's console, so I just don't
> like to see people complaining about getting console messages on a terminal
> that Ubuntu wouldn't have used.  If he'd been using Ubuntu as it was
> intended, he wouldn't have had an issue (and probably would never even have
> noticed)

Well I thought linux was about being able to choose...

And since there used to be a traditional method of selecting gui vs
non-gui login  by setting id:3:initdefault: or id:5:initdefault: in
the now defunct /etc/inittab I felt like Kubuntu was trying to
coerce me into using my pc someone elses way... Though I must
say that at least Kubuntu still includes a working startx
script And a mechanizim for returning to the login method I
prefer THANK YOU Kubuntu! 

But even If I were using the gui login I'd still want to
access the consoles via <alt>+<ctrl>+<F[1-6]> when planning to
run a root shell to use apt-get or visudo or some such. So I
would have still noticed it...

Please don't misunderstand me though Derek, I'm not
complaining that you seam to feel just as strongly that I
should just use the gui login as I do that the console login
and startx should still be a personal choice... In fact I'd
like to applaud you! You _do_ evidently feel strongly that I
shouldn't still be using startx, and yet you very kindly
included two possible solutions in your original reply.

for this I can only say:

     TT       HH      HH       A  A	 NNNN	 NN  KK      KK    SS	 SS
     TT       HH      HH      AA  AA	 NN NN	 NN  KK    KK	  SS
     TT       HH      HH    AA	    AA	 NN   NN NN  KKKK  KK		 SS
     TT       HH      HH   AA	     AA  NN    NNNN  KK      KK   SS	SS
     TT       HH      HH  AA	      AA NN	 NN  KK        KK   SSSS

It takes a great man to be kind to those he disagrees with...

|   ---   ___
|   <0>   <->	   Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|	^		J(tWdy)P
|    ~\___/~	     <<jtwdyp at ttlc.net>>

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