kfontview not displaying characters

Glenn R Williams gloonie at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 1 17:09:57 UTC 2008

Hi All,

Does ANYONE else have a problem viewing TTF fonts with kfontview? when I right 
click on a ttf font and select Open with kfontview, a kfontview window pops 
up, but no characters are displayed. 

I can use the fonts in documents and on screen perfectly well. In fact, if I 
open with the gnome font viewer I can see all the characters.

I see periodic postings for this problem, but most people don't seem to have 
it. It may be the presence of a bad config file somewhere.

Any suggestions? this is driving me crazy!

I am running kubuntu with KDE 4.1.0 on Hardy, kernel is 2.6.24-19-generic #1 
SMP. kfontview is in the package kdebase-workspace-bin version 


Glenn R Williams
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