Skype replacement

John Heinen hensandpat at
Mon Sep 1 16:22:15 UTC 2008

Jonas Norlander wrote:
> 2008/9/1 Derek Broughton <news at>:
>> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>>> 2008/8/31 Sylviane et Perry White <spwhite at>:
>>>> I'm not relpying to myself but adding to my previous answer.
>>>> I hadden't read all the material provided by Edmund at that moment, and
>>>> just
>>>> foud out that SKIPE  is
>>>> *known to have a hidden Government Interception Module*
>>> Please tell us how you know this. These accusations are made of all
>>> proprietary software, including (and especially) the Windows operating
>>> system. Even SELinux has been accused of this. Even HARDWARE has been
>>> accused of having backdoors.
>> ...
>>> In any case, Skype is a network application. Always assume that every
>>> node along the network is sniffing.
>> Precisely.  I don't know or care whether skype has any such module, because
>> it doesn't matter.  Various government agencies _do_ monitor phone calls
>> and the Internet.  We know the Chinese monitor the Internet in great
>> detail.  There's nothing that Skype could grab from your conversations that
>> the NSA or MI6 or Maxwell Smart can't pull directly from the 'net.
> I don't think it's that easy to just sniff the net for skype calls and
> get any usefully info from that. For what i know the skype protocol
> uses RSA for key negotiation and AES to encrypt the conversation. So
> without the keys or some program/access to the "end-points" of the
> conversations i don't think you can listen to the call.
> / Jonas
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