Kaffeine in Kubuntu 8.04 is borked.

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Mon Sep 1 14:36:32 UTC 2008

Rod Lovett wrote:

> Kaffeine in Kubuntu 8.04 is borked.
>            I started a thread on the forum regarding this, but gave up,
> as either it worked for them, and they couldn't understand my problem.

I'd go with the latter.  You _really_ need to try to write comprehensible

> Or they did not have a clue what could be wrong.
> Certainly in the land of oz it is it is beyond a joke.

Does that mean anything?

> It seems tied up with silly old sudo permissions,

Why are you even _using_ sudo?  Kaffeine is a user-executable program, and
even if you _did_ need root privilege, you shouldn't be doing it via sudo -
you use kdesudo for gui apps.

> and enalind user video and cd makes not a scrap of difference.

Again, that sentence makes no sense.

> If one plays it first as a root GUI login, logs out and
> then logs in as user it then plays, until you reboot of course
> then back to silly "this DVD is encrypted" despite libdvdcss2 being
> installed.

Region codes?

> It will also play a DVD if one boots with it in the drive, but not any
> other one may care to try in that session.

Another sentence that makes no sense.

> Fortunately VLC does not succumb to this silly error, and plays OK.
> Its stuff like this that makes su and sudo a real nuisance.

What does sudo have to do with it?
You know - you'd probably get the problem fixed a whole lot sooner if you
actually explained what happens when it doesn't work.  As it is, I'll take
a leap and suggest you check your home directory for hidden files or
directories owned by root.  If you run gui apps via sudo, it has a habit of
creating config files that can no longer be accessed by the program when
run as a normal user - so don't do it.

fwiw, Kaffeine in 8.04 is certainly not borked.  I've yet to find a DVD I
couldn't play.

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