xorg.conf was Re: No 1680x1050 resolution with Intrepid

Nigel Ridley nigel at prayingforisrael.net
Fri Oct 31 15:41:30 UTC 2008

Art Alexion wrote:
> On Friday 31 October 2008 10:24:38 am Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> I suppose that xorg.conf is mostly empty because of bulletproof X, but
>> now how can one configure it? Thanks in advance.
> I've been meaning to ask this question myself.  I am really anxious for an 
> answer.
> After years of trying to master xorg.conf, they go and change it on me %!*&&%%

I remember recently reading that HAL is 'replacing' xorg.conf. HAL is supposed to automagically 
detect everything so that there is no need for a xorg.conf anymore - but if you do create one, 
then xorg will use it.
See this:
There is probably more info out there.....




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