OpenOffice 3.0.0

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Wed Oct 29 06:53:00 UTC 2008

Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
> On Monday 27 October 2008 12:35:58 pm Nigel Ridley wrote:
>> Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
>>> On Monday 27 October 2008 01:30:07 am Nigel Ridley wrote:
>>>> OK, so I downloaded the 'OOo_3.0.0_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz';
>>>> unpacked it and navigated to the 'DEBS' directory. Now what!? There are
>>>> 47 .deb files. How does one go about installing OpenOffice 3.0.0?
>>>> Blessings,
>>>> Nigel
>>>> --
>>> Howdy, Nigel.
>>> Before you go to installing All 47 packages, remove the .deb files for
>>> language support that you do not need.
>>> Either delete them (if you still have the compressed download file) or
>>> move them.
>>> That way you don't install a lot of space wasting files you don't need.
>> Actually the only extra language was/is a French dictionary. I downloaded
>> the: OOo_3.0.0_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz
>> Using 'sudo dpkg -i *.deb' (on the DEBS dir) it installed into /opt --
>> which means I keep OOoo 2.4 as well.
> Sounds good.  The last time I downloaded a tar package for OOo it had all the 
> languages in it.  I must have downloaded the wrong file.  
I downloaded and installed but unless I run it with kdesu or sudo it can 
not open any files, it just starts the recovery manager over and over 
again. I changed all files from root to my username with chown and chgrp 
but no difference. Anyone have a hint of why or seen similar behaviour?

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