kde 3 vs 4 distrowatch

Nigel Ridley nigel at prayingforisrael.net
Tue Oct 28 18:41:11 UTC 2008

Paul S wrote:
> Knapp said the following on 10/27/2008 07:34 AM:
>> Nice talk about it.
>> http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20081027
> It's not a very good choice, is it?
> I'm kinda torn.  I want to keep the latest xorg code to get the best 
> drivers for my ATI card, so I need to go with the current distro.
> But, I've spent more than a day playing with kde4, and it just doesn't 
> work well enough to use for production.  It's actually worse than gnome.
> Maybe someone will backport kde3 to ibex .. we can hope.
> regards,

I've spent more than a week already using it on and off on my boys' box - I'm starting to like it.
Something different now and again gets you out of the rut and gives a fresh ability to think 
laterally -- always a good thing.......




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