KDE File Chooser in GTK apps on Kubuntu

Myriam Schweingruber schweingruber at pharma-traduction.ch
Tue Oct 21 16:09:03 UTC 2008

Hi Willy,

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 6:03 PM, Willy K. Hamra <w.hamra1987 at gmail.com> wrote:
> one of the things i don't like about linux distros is that they don't
> actually work much in the features. look at kubuntu for example. they
> take the KDE desktop as it is from KDE, do some editing on it to become
> *buntu style, and put it in the repos, the same for all apps, how much
> development are the distro devs actually doing? packaging and debugging?
> the distro needs more actual coding and work from the developers, create
> their own unique style. i can install a debian system, put KDE4 on it,
> and do some personal customizations on it, like widgets and wallpaper
> and etc... , and then take kubuntu intrepid, and apply the same
> customizatins, show the 2 systems to an average user, and i bet you
> anything he won't make the difference between them! why? because what he
> is seeing is neither debians work, nor ubuntu's work, this is KDE's work!

Believe me, that's something the developers upstream don't like at all
and happily Kubuntu does NOT customise KDE too much. OpenSuSE's Ozone
layer is the best example how not to make things: years of Plasma
development and Oxygen design ruined in one distro is something nobody
wants to see.



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