
Billie Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Tue Oct 21 11:27:52 UTC 2008

On 10/21/2008 Neil Winchurst wrote:
>  Yes, very occasionally and hopefully eventually not at all. I am using
>  Kubuntu Gutsy at the moment and I am still wary of trying out Hardy,
>  let alone Intrepid. I suspect that it is all getting a bit too heavy for
>  me and my needs, especially KDE in its new version.


8.04 with KDE3.5.9/10 is quite good. A few of the niggly little problems 
I had with 7.10 got fixed somewhere along the line. If I was you I would 
grab it before it goes away. 8.04/3.5.10 is going to be my OS of choice 
for the foreseeable future.

I had an extra hard drive available so I installed 8.10/4.x to play with 
till KDE 4.x grows up a little more, or I figure out how to make it do 
what I want. Whichever comes first.

Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.

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