Text - menus etc much clearer under gnome om 8.10 Beta

Lindsay Mathieson lindsay.mathieson at optusnet.com.au
Sun Oct 19 10:51:05 UTC 2008

Has anyone else noticed this? I have both the the gnome and kubuntu 
desktop installed (Intrepid) and I find text in general - menus, 
browsing, email is much more readable under gnome than kubuntu. This 
applies to gnome and KDE4 programs - and I do have a complete set of MS 
fonts installed. Have tried with Font smoothing on and off.

I'd go further and say the Gnome buttons, icons, menus etc are much more 
clearly defined.

IMHO KDE looks much better - but after half an hour I'm getting 
noticeable eyestrain. Its a relief and a disappointment to switch back 
to gnome.

I did not find this with 7.10 / KDE3

NVidia 6100 - restricted drivers installed (and working)


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