The NEW 3D PanUbuntu Was: Is it me or does Hardy run like a pig?

Knapp magick.crow at
Sat Oct 18 17:27:20 UTC 2008

> Why not make a desktop environment specific to compiz-fusion?  There is
> already a windows manager for compiz, why not a DE?  The cube is already
> a step down that path.  You don't have to jump fully into a Quake-like
> environment, you can start by replacing the start bar with something 3-D
> and working your way up from there.
> Paul - who runs compiz happily both at work and at home

The big problem is that you are starting from the ground up, on that
path. With Panda you can write the quake like thing in about 1000
lines of code. The problem is that you can't get a program to run with
it's out as a Panda3d texture.

Perhaps a synthesis of all that would be not to much work but I am not
a Dev on ether end.

How does a program export it's image to X? Can that block of memory be
found and then sent to panda as a texture? That is the core question.

Douglas E Knapp

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