internet connection on Kubuntu Hardy

Thorny thorntreehome at
Thu Oct 16 12:30:26 UTC 2008

On Wed, 15 Oct 2008 08:01:06 -0700, Emanoil Kotsev wrote:

> It's kubuntu Lisi, not you! Don't give up!
> That's why I have forced the discussion here recently. People who know
> debian, would also know what it means unstable. Just polishing it and
> offering it to the masses is not enough for the pure user and at the
> other hand the major target of kubuntu are the pure users. I still do
> not understand this controversy.
> I'm still pleading that kubuntu devs should get a stable system for
> users who have windows level of computer knowledge aka no knowledge in
> computers at all. k/ubuntu has the potential but still lacking the will,
> making it easier for people with computer knowledge to do the job done
> but failing to win the pure home user.
> I've fixed the k/ubuntu installations of all my friends who are not
> willing to pay licenses to MS and I know what I'm saying. I also took
> them the root/sudo rights and they are very very glad - me too ;-)
> regards

Well Emanoil, you just recently mentioned in another thread that you
didn't want to discuss that issue any further. It's not going to make you
any friends in this community if you lurk waiting for some opportunity to
interject the same stuff every chance you get. I imagine there are some
who have already plonked you and thus don't see your posts, and though I
haven't done that I really don't want to see the same "policy" argument
brought up too many more times when it has all been said.

Sure, Kubuntu is *based* on Debian Sid (unstable) but Kubuntu is not
Debian unstable, developers have worked to make it much easier to use than
Sid and I think they are very successful. Do you think that "pure" user
you mention would have a good user experience if they tried to install and
run Sid? Does everything about Kubuntu work flawlessly for people who
don't know what they are doing, no, not *everything*. Would Debian have
worked with the specific wlan card that Lisi has, not necessarily. What if
it is a broadcom chip, would it have worked on Debian stable (currently
Etch) out-of-the-box, no because of the non-free drivers and I haven't
even mentioned old version vs. new version. And, just because your wlan
card worked, one can't assume all would or even *should* work without user

BTW, when you "fixed" the K/ubuntu installs by removing sudo, many people
would characterise that as *breaking* the system. Not everyone shares the
same opinions and GNU/Linux gives us a lot of opportunity to choose and
the freedom to do so. You don't need to tell us you know what you are
saying, we realise that is your opinion.

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